Friday, March 7, 2014

Alkalizing Challenge - Days ??? - Also needing advice for Etsy!

So! My goal of updating nearly every day has really gone down the pooper, I've been so busy lately. I can pretty much sum up what I've been eating though, because every day is mostly the same:

Breakfast: Greek yogurt with fruit OR steel cut oatmeal with honey

Snack: Package of Nori and an apple or banana

Lunch: Two slices of sprouted Ezekiel bread with half an avocado on each, with salt

Second Lunch (I get hungry fast): Mixed green salad with olive oil and fresh lemon juice

By the time I finish work I've normally finished 1.5-2 nalgene bottles full of water with minty chlorophyll (very alkalizing).

Dinner: Literally whatever I can get, minus most of the meat.

This means that I've been mostly meat-free for the past few weeks, which I think is good. The thing I've been not so good at lately is the sugar eating. I think I got pretty cocky after my 21 days without sugar, and then when I tried it again, I was like "... the s**t is this?"

Anywho I've eaten tons of sugar pretty much every day. The funny thing is, my skin is no where NEAR as awful as I thought it would be. I've been using the oil cleansing method to clean my face every night, so that might have something to do with it (I'll do a longer post on the OCM in a couple days, it is so amazing that it deserves its own post. I've been doing it on and off for a couple years now). The flip side of all this sugar eating means that I'm constantly wondering how much my energy, skin, and mood would have improved by now if I was eating alkaline AND successfully cutting out sugar... I'm only human though so cry me a river.

My weight loss stabilized (luckily) after about six or seven pounds. This could have something to do with all the fat I've been eating lately (avocados and coconut oil mostly), so I'm definitely going to keep up with that part of the diet.

Things that I'm going to try and do better with:

- Giving up more sugar
- Drinking / eating more things with lemon, which is highly alkalizing. I'm thinking hot water with lemon in the mornings and evenings, which I love anyways.
- Incorporating more green smoothies into my diet. So delicious. Much easy. Many nutrients. Very pain in the ass to make in morning-times.
- Exercising! I'm thinking about getting a gym membership, but I don't know. It is clear to me that I'll only exercise if I'm going somewhere that isn't horribly depressing, like the Burke gym. My dream gym would be Mint, but it is of course very expensive. There also isn't much point in getting a membership until June when I stop working 8-7 every day, so I'll have to find a way to get up off my ass and exercise at home.

ANYWAYS! I am needing Etsy-related advice. I really want new, professionally-printed labels. The problems I'm experiencing are this:

1. Will I get tired of my labels quickly like I have been so far?

2. Are the labels I have in mind ugly?

Here is one of the labels that represents the general style that I may switch over to. Ignore the ingredients portion though, I'll be switching over to a new formula for my serum soon so it isn't relevant right now!

3. Would it be better to narrow down my product line? Fewer different label types to print, less of a chance that the cost of labels will go down the drain. The nice thing about printing my own is that I can make them as I need them, so I'm not stuck with extra labels.


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